N-PALMS: Nutrition and Physical Activity in Lifestyle Medicine Services

Grantee: University of Mississippi Medical Center

Year Funded: 2023

Amount: $63,940.00

Report Status: Report not posted

Related Content: none

Project Summary: The N-PALMS program at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) serves to increase nutrition and physical activity knowledge, attitudes and behaviors among adult patients in Lifestyle Medicine Clinic (LMC). The goal is to create on-site (within existing LMC) Full Plate Living (FPL) and Exercise is Medicine (EIM) services as well as partner with a local YMCA to embed these services in a gym setting. A growing body of evidence supports the lifestyle medicine approach as an effective strategy to prevent, treat, and reverse chronic disease. However, there is a need for insight into operationalizing the adoption of these services into mainstream healthcare as well as determination of optimal delivery locations. Leveraging the success of the existing LMC, this project will provide evidence of the importance of helping patients operationalize lifestyle prescriptions. Additionally, this project will serve to highlight the necessary personnel and space for optimal LM delivery.


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