Ardmore Institute of Health: Working Toward a Healthier Future

As 2025 unfolds, Ardmore Institute of Health celebrates 78 years of an unwavering commitment to improving health and well-being for all.

About Ardmore Institute of Health (AIH)

Founded in 1947, AIH has a rich history of empowering individuals to live healthier lives. AIH founder, Dr. Otey Johnson, believed in the potential of lifestyle to improve health, and this belief continues to drive our organization.

Today, AIH works for a future where healthy environments and lifestyles provide equitable and preferred methods to prevent, treat, and reverse chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. We believe Whole Health, achieved through a multifaceted, integrative approach that includes Lifestyle Medicine and Whole Person Care, is the foundation for this future.

Through strategic grant-making, impactful partnerships, and free programs and resources like Full Plate Living, AIH is committed to making this vision a reality.

Partnering with AIH

AIH recognizes that lasting change requires a collective effort, and we value working alongside health professionals and physicians, organizations, employers, community leaders, and individuals who share our commitment to improving health. Consider the following ways to partner with AIH:

Health Professionals and Physicians

  1. Enhance patient care – Utilize Full Plate Living, a free service of AIH, in your practice. Refer patients to the online program, host a group program, or facilitate shared medical appointments (CME available here).

  2. Expand your knowledge – Access the AIH Resource Hub for upcoming events, important news, and other resources and continuing education opportunities.

  3. Stay connected – Sign up for the Whole Health Digest to receive a monthly newsletter featuring insights, inspiration, and announcements.


  1. Apply for a grant – Through grant-making, AIH partners with mission-aligned organizations by funding initiatives that align with our strategic objectives.

  2. Make a deeper impact – Whether you are a medical association offering resources to your members, a hospital with a teaching kitchen, or an organization that prioritizes employee wellness, utilize Full Plate Living to enhance your offerings.


  1. Enhance employee wellness – Promote the free Full Plate Living online program or offer a group program as part of your workplace wellness program.

  2. Access employer resources – Leverage AIH-funded resources from the Health Enhancement Research Organization to learn how to effectively integrate Lifestyle Medicine into your workplace.

  3. Improve employee health – Explore the impact of Full Plate Living on employee nutrition and well-being in this study.

Community Leaders

  1. Empower your community – Host a weekly group program (in person or virtually) in your community.

  2. Become a certified facilitator – The Full Plate Living Facilitator Training is a seven-module program that will give you the tools needed to effectively lead a group program.

  3. Explore grant opportunities – If you work with a 501(c)(3) organization, consider applying for an AIH grant to support community health initiatives that align with our strategic objectives.


  1. Improve your health – Join Full Plate Living and receive access to a 7-module program, bonus courses, community, workshops, recipes, and more.

  2. Lead your community – Invite your family, friends, or coworkers to join you on your Full Plate Living journey. We provide all the materials you need (a Facilitator Training is also available).

  3. Attend a featured event – From expert workshops to annual conferences to community events, AIH features events that promote Whole Health.

We hope you will join us in working towards our vision!

Helpful links:


The Full Plate Living Approach: A Path to Sustainable Health


New Food as Medicine E-Book Features Full Plate Living Weight Loss Study