Ardmore Pickleball (PB) Updates for Ardmore Institute of Health


Despite Covid Ardmore Pickleball has still been swinging away.


In June, Ron Stout had a Zoom meeting with the Pickleball PAWBI members to re-group after member changes and Covid.  Teresa Evans from the Ardmore Parks and Rec district announced that the PB clinic they had in February at the YMCA had over 40 new players.  Also, at the HFV Center she has painted permanent lines inside for 3 courts and has purchased all the equipment needed for that location. Jerry McMahan gave an update on the Regional Park PB project of 6 courts.  It has received all its funding and construction is underway. AIH is part of the granting funds.  There was a great turnout for the ground- breaking the first week in July. 

Our Ardmore Pickleball Facebook page, that was started last October, now has 126 members.  Play times and locations are posted there regularly.  We have also started a Group-Me site for those that do not have Facebook.

Ardmore City Parks resurfaced their tennis courts at Walker and Whittington Parks in May.  We were able to convince them to convert 2 courts at each park to Pickleball. This had made 4 courts available to the public at each site.

The Ardmore YMCA re-opened for regular indoor PB in June.  Most people are still choosing to play outdoors during Covid but an indoor option is still available 3-4 days a week.

The Ardmore Pickleball in a Bag Program, funded by AIH, is also steadily growing.  Nine of the thirty PB kits have now been distributed throughout Carter county.  So far, they have been distributed to schools, the Public Health Dept, churches and a university.  Pickleball clinics/instructions have been given to key small groups at each facility to maintain their PB program.  PB Ambassadors are available for follow-up. 

In August, both Ardmore PB ambassadors, Pam Stout and Jerry McMahan met outside with many players to review Pickleball etiquette and rules given that the group has grown so much.



August – 2 Round Robin Tournaments at Walker Park and the YMCA.  Around 30 players attended each.  

 September- Ardmore Senior Games for Pickleball will be held at Walker park on Sept 26. Click here to download the flyer for more information.


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