Strategic Roadmap for Integrating Lifestyle and Preventive Medicine into Undergraduate Medical Education

Strategic Roadmap for Integrating Lifestyle and Preventive Medicine into Undergraduate Medical Education

A recent initiative led by ACPM, supported by ACLM leaders and underwritten by the Ardmore Institute of Health identified target areas, outlined actionable recommendations and developed strategies to achieve successful integration of lifestyle and preventive medicine contents into Undergraduate Medical Education (UME).

Decades of research supports lifestyle interventions and preventive health measures can positively impact health. Despite this evidence, the attention and training given to lifestyle and preventive medicine in medical education continues to be inadequate, inconsistent and disproportionate to the influence lifestyle determinants have on health. As a result, the physician workforce lacks the skills and knowledge to effectively counsel patients on lifestyle and preventive health measures that could dramatically improve individual and overall population health.

Incorporating more training in lifestyle and preventive medicine interventions in undergraduate medical education will help to achieve great strides in population health. This project sets forth a plan to move toward a world where physicians will be equipped to meet population health needs.

Visit ACPM to download project resources including the ​Project Whitepaper, The Literature Review and Gap Analysis, and Roadmap Infographic.


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