The 75% Full Plate Living Plate

Full Plate Living teaches you how to fill 75% of your plate with natural whole fiber foods – fruits, vegetables, beans, and cooked whole grains. The other 25% is really up to you. 

The 25% food items can be anything from whole wheat bread, chips, pasta, an egg, cheese, your favorite drink, grilled chicken, fish, milk or meat. But it can also be ice cream, cookies, cake, muffins, and tofu. Choose just a single serving. If you want more than one 25% plate food, choose smaller amounts so it can still stay in just 25% of your plate.

Of course, you can choose a healthy choice for your 25%. You may actually find that over time you’ll gravitate towards more nutritious options even for your 25% portion of the plate.

Learn more about the 75% Plate in the free Full Plate Living Membership.

Order a physical plate via this vendor.


Full Plate Living Recipes


Full Plate Living Weight Loss Program