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Study Associates Intake of Dairy Milk With Greater Risk of Prostate Cancer
Men with higher intakes of dairy foods, especially milk, face a significantly higher risk of prostate cancer compared to men with lower intakes, according to a new study conducted by researchers at Loma Linda University Health.
Ardmore Institute of Health is proud to be the Official Healthy Lifestyle Resource of the World Pickleball Open
Ardmore Institute of Health is proud to be the Official Healthy Lifestyle Resource of the World Pickleball Open held November 17 – 20, 2022 at Palm Beach Gardens Tennis & Pickleball Center.
Teaching Gardens: Growing a Healthier Community
Five best practices used in Teaching Gardens sponsored by Ardmore Institute of Health and how to replicate them.
Evaluating the Full Plate Living lifestyle intervention in low-income monolingual Latinas with and without food insecurity
This article was published in the Journal Women’s Health.
Grantee Emory Healthy Kitchen Collaborative Celebrates Completion of 2nd Cohort with Reunion Walk
An update on the Emory Healthy Kitchen Collaborative.
AIH Makes a Difference Through Impact Investing
AIH is proud to be an investing partner in Commonfund's inaugural Environmental Sustainability Fund and is also a direct investor in Farmland, LLC.
Women’s Health Workshop Recording: Cancer, Hot Flashes, Sexual Health – Improving Women’s Midlife Health with a Whole Food, Plant Predominant Diet
Watch Full Plate Living’s women’s health workshop with Dr. Michelle Tollefson
AIH Welcomes Heidi Hittner as Trustee
Ardmore Institute of Health is proud to welcome Heidi Hittner to its Board of Trustees.
Honoring Lifestyle Medicine Pioneer Franklin House
Ardmore Institute of Health mourns the passing of Board Member and Lifestyle Medicine pioneer Dr. Franklin House. He has been affiliated with AIH for over twenty years, previously serving as President, CEO and Chairman of the Board.
Ultra-processed food intake and animal-based food intake and mortality in the Adventist Health Study-2
The research finds the total of animal based food consumption (meat, dairy, eggs) was not associated with mortality, but higher red meat intake was. The findings suggest that high consumption of ultra-processed foods may be an important indicator of mortality.
Food, We Need To Talk, a Science-based, Humor-laced Podcast About Health and Fitness
Hosts Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips present a science-based, humor-laced approach to health and fitness.
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Ardmore Institute of Health shares an email update a few times a year featuring Lifestyle Medicine and AIH grant updates.
Incorporating Lifestyle Medicine Into Primary Care Practice: Perceptions and Practices of Family Physicians
Lifestyle medicine concepts resonate strongly with family physicians although gaps exist surrounding engaging in community partnerships, advocacy, and certain domains of LM.
Southwestern Adventist University Breaks Ground for AIH Supported Recreational Complex
AIH helped to fund this new Recreation Complex project at Southwestern Adventist University.
Sleep Essentials: Expert Sleep Tips for Better Health
Sleep Specialist Valerie Cacho, MD will be the guiding light to find answers to your sleep questions and learn more about the incredible benefits of healthy sleep.
Better Blood Sugar – Doable Steps You Can Take Today
A program created to help you get better control of your blood sugar. If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, getting control of your blood sugar is one of the smartest things you can do for your health. And better blood sugar control can help you lose weight when nothing else seems to be working.
The 30-Day Diabetes Miracle Cookbook
The 30-Day Diabetes Miracle
The 30-Day Diabetes Miracle offers a guide on how to combat and reverse diabetes, through therapeutic and preventative nutritional changes proven to help you overcome insulin resistance. Understand the extraordinary benefits of a plant-based diet, for diabetics, and how lifestyle-change through the power of diet, activity, and stress management can help you take ownership of your health.
Building Health Equity: Action Steps From the American College of Lifestyle Medicine’s Health Disparities Solutions Summit (HDSS) 2020
This paper, published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, provides background on the realities of health disparities in the United States, introduces the entrance point of lifestyle medicine (LM) practice in the struggle for health equity, and summarizes Summit proceedings and recommended action steps.
The Biology of Veganism: Plasma Metabolomics Analysis Reveals Distinct Profiles of Vegans and Non-Vegetarians in the Adventist Health Study-2 Cohort
Study “results suggest that multiple potentially bioactive metabolites are increased by consumption of plant-based foods, and may lower the risk of metabolic diseases through anti-inflammatory mechanisms.”