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ACLM’s Lifestyle Medicine Reimbursement Resources and Shared Medical Appointments Toolkit
This is a collection of the resources ACLM has put together around lifestyle medicine reimbursement as well as the Shared Medical Appointments Toolkit.

American College of Lifestyle Medicine Offers Free CME/CE Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine & Food As Medicine
Free CME/CE opportunity from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

American College of Lifestyle Medicine Designates the Ardmore Institute of Health’s Full Plate Living Program a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Program
The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) announces the certification of Full Plate Living, a lifestyle medicine style nutrition improvement program provided as a free service by Ardmore Institute of Health.

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine Offers Culinary Curriculum Download For Medical Schools, Health Professional Education Programs, and Residency Programs
The American College of Lifestyle Medicine offers a complimentary Culinary Medicine curriculum for download.

Women’s Health Workshop Recording: Cancer, Hot Flashes, Sexual Health – Improving Women’s Midlife Health with a Whole Food, Plant Predominant Diet
Watch Full Plate Living’s women’s health workshop with Dr. Michelle Tollefson

Building Health Equity: Action Steps From the American College of Lifestyle Medicine’s Health Disparities Solutions Summit (HDSS) 2020
This paper, published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, provides background on the realities of health disparities in the United States, introduces the entrance point of lifestyle medicine (LM) practice in the struggle for health equity, and summarizes Summit proceedings and recommended action steps.

A Family Physician's Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine Supplement Published in Journal of Family Practice
The urgent need to treat the root cause of lifestyle-related chronic disease led to the creation of this supplement. The goal is to provide family physicians with information on all aspects of Lifestyle Medicine.

Lifestyle Medicine Patient Education PDFs
English and Spanish Lifestyle Medicine patient handouts. Produced by American College of Lifestyle Medicine sponsored by Ardmore Institute of Health.

Building Health Equity: Action Steps From the American College of Lifestyle Medicine’s Health Disparities Solutions Summit (HDSS) 2020
This paper provides background on the realities of health disparities in the United States, introduces the entrance point of lifestyle medicine (LM) practice in the struggle for health equity, and summarizes Summit proceedings and recommended action steps.

Now Showing: PlantWise - An Inspirational Film that Offers Hope for Better Health
Witness the Transformative Power of a Plant-Based Diet in PlantWise – a documentary film sponsored in part by Ardmore Institute of Health in partnership with the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Eating You Alive, and AdventHealth.

Implementing Lifestyle Medicine Education in a New Public Health and General Preventive Medicine Residency Program
A new residency program in Mississippi is implementing American College of Lifestyle Medicine’s Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum. The curriculum is funded in part by Ardmore Institute of Health.

Alignment Between Medical Payment Models and Lifestyle Medicine Physician Incentives
Download the Literature Review on Medical Payment Models Alignment with Lifestyle Medicine.

Watch to See the Impact of the Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum
Watch as Drs. Brenda Rea, Andrew Mock, and Renae Thomas explain how a new generation of physicians are using the Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum (LMRC) within Loma Linda University's residency programs.

ACLM - Full Plate Diet Program Revision Update
American College of Lifestyle Medicine, with the support of the Ardmore Institute of Health, aims to revise the Full Plate Diet group curriculum and materials for better relevance to an African-American audience.

Support the HEAL Education Scholarship Fund to Make a Difference in Health Disparities
You’re invited, through year-end donations, to support clinicians who are members of underrepresented groups in medicine (URM) and who provide care to high-need, medically underserved populations with training in Lifestyle Medicine.

Lifestyle Nursing
SWAU (Southwestern Adventist University), with the support of Ardmore Institute of Health and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine has led a series of convenings to advance the field of Lifestyle Nursing.

Simple Steps to Self Care
When we take steps to care for ourselves we become more capable of sustainably caring for others.

Support Your Immune System – Free PDF Download
George Washington wrote in 1799: “…offensive operations, often times, is the surest, if not the only (in some cases) means of defence".(1) Washington was talking about military operations, but the principle is also true in supporting your immune system’s daily fight to keep you healthy. A good defense against infections and illness is a strong immune system.

Become a Lifestyle Medicine Board-Eligible Residency
The LMRC is a comprehensive, applicable and flexible curriculum designed for integrated implementation into medical residency programs.