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“Microbiome”, Small Friends in Low Places!
In order to optimize your gut microbiota and your health, eat an abundance of whole, unprocessed fiber foods, fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds, at every meal, including probiotic-enriched foods and supplements when medically appropriate.
The Science Behind Full Plate Living
Full Plate Living promotes a high-fiber approach to healthy eating, highlighting the consumption of whole, unprocessed plant foods: fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Besides being a rich source of dietary fiber, whole plant foods are abundant in essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, as well as healthy fats and protein.
The Best Produce Money Can Buy?!
To maximize the nutritional benefits from produce and to decrease exposure to pesticide residues and toxic metals, choose organic produce whenever you can.
Full Plate Living Nutrition Programs – Now Available at No Cost
We believe now more than ever it’s important to proactively make choices to improve health. Nutrition is foundational to a healthy lifestyle, so AIH has chosen to make our nutrition outreach program, Full Plate Support Membership, available to everyone at no cost.
Better, Best, Beef?!
Compared to the standard American diet, it would seem prudent to practice a Mediterranean-style eating pattern where beef (and all meat) is enjoyed less often, in smaller portions, as research links high intakes of red meat with an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer. Additionally, the World Health Organization has declared that red meat is a probable human carcinogen.(9) The nutritional benefits of beef can be maximized by consuming grass-fed and/or organic over conventionally-raised beef whenever possible.
AIH is now a Choice Partner of the Oklahoma Academy of Family Physicians
Ardmore Institute of Health works for a future where lifestyle change will be the preferred method to prevent, treat and reverse chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. So we’re proud to be a choice partner of OAFP.
Simple Steps to Self Care
When we take steps to care for ourselves we become more capable of sustainably caring for others.
Small Habit Adoption Can Lead to Big Change
The easiest way to accomplish a health goal may be through the adoption of tiny or micro habits.
AIH Helps to Fund Garden Project at Ardmore Adventist Academy
Click to watch Brock Meyer thank the Ardmore Institute of Health for supporting the project.
Wash Your Hands, Fruits and Vegetables!
It is advisable to wash ALL fruits and vegetables before you eat them to ensure they are clean.
Why You Should Add More Beans to Your Meals
According to experts, people that live longer, healthier lives eat almost 4 times the amount of beans that we do as Americans.
Read the article and get the recipes in the Ardmoreite.
Integrative Medicine Shares Immune Health Guidance
There are times we can benefit from levels of nutrients that are difficult to obtain by eating whole foods (sometimes you just can't eat enough whole food to obtain the level of needed nutrients).
Active in a Time of Social Distancing
Nearly everyone can benefit from becoming more physically active, as the benefits of regular physical activity enhance health for all age groups.(1),(2)
Studies associate intake of dairy milk with increased health risks
An association between the intake of dairy milk and breast cancer was recently published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
Support Your Immune System – Free PDF Download
George Washington wrote in 1799: “…offensive operations, often times, is the surest, if not the only (in some cases) means of defence".(1) Washington was talking about military operations, but the principle is also true in supporting your immune system’s daily fight to keep you healthy. A good defense against infections and illness is a strong immune system.
Eat Your Immune System Strong
Never has the old adage: the best defense is a strong offense, been more timely. The best defense against various infections is a well-tuned immune system, and there’s a lot we can do to keep it that way.
Habits Your Immune System Can Depend On
What do walking, cooking, and positive nighttime rituals have in common? They are all activities that strengthen the immune system. There is a lot of scientific evidence to indicate that healthy habits can give your immune system a boost.
Getting in with Fitness: AIH donates corn hole boards to USCO
Foods & Recipes that Fight Heart Disease
In this article Michelle shares the foods that fight heart disease. And... 2 #Recipes. :) #HealthyCasserole
Emory Healthy Kitchen Collaborative Launches
Emory Healthy Kitchen is part of a year-long worksite wellness pilot program funded by a grant from Ardmore Institute of Health.